
Color: Yellow, pink, violet, colorless
Color of streak: White
Mohs� hardness: 5 � 6.5
Specific gravity: 2.57 � 2.74
Cleavage: Perfect
Crystal system: tetragonal ; columnar
Chemical composition: complicated sodium calcium aluminiun silicate
Refractive index: 1.540 � 1.560

Also called wernerite after the German geologist, A.G. Werner, scapolite ranges in color from pink, purple, blue, yellow, and grey, to colorless. These colors reflect the variation in composition, from sodium-rich to calcium-rich. Crystals are found as prisms that resemble sticks, giving the rise to the name scapos, meaning rod, and lithos, meaning stone.

Scapolite is found as crystals in pegmatites and metamorphic rocks like mica schist and gneiss. It also occurs in massive form. Localities include Brazi, Burma.

A cat�s-eye effect can be seen in some pink and purple stones. Scapolite may easily be confused with amblygonite, chrysoberyl, and golden beryl.