: Varying red
Color of streak: White
Mohs� hardness : 9
Specific gravity : 3.97-4.05
Cleavage : None
Fracture: Small
conchoidal, uneven, splintery, brittle
Crystal system : Trigonal
Chemical composition : Aluminium oxide
Refractive index : 1.766-1.774
Double refraction : -0.008
Fluorescence : Strong ; ruby � red
Ruby is thus named because of its red color (Latin Rubeus). It was not until
about 1800 that ruby, as well as sapphire, was recognized as belonging to the
corundum group. Before that red spinel and garnet were also designated as ruby.
The coloring pigment is chrome and, for brown hues, some iron additionally.
The red color varies with the individual deposits,so it is not possible to determine
the source area from the color, as each deposit yields various tones. The designation
�Burma-ruby� or �Siam-ruby� is erroneous, and refers more to quality than origin.
The distribution of color is often uneven, in stripes or spots. As a rough stones,
ruby appears dull and greasy but, when cut, the luster can approach that of